Tuesday, October 20, 2015


I have finally bitten the bullet and taken my child to a homeopathic doctor. And now we are on our path to homeopathic remedies!! Why did I wait so long?  Well...I was always hesitant in the past because the cost is a bit prohibitive...
I mean, according to the hubs who balks at spending $300 for an initial visit and $150 for future visits. I mean, yes, it seems expensive but at what price for the benefit of our health??  Alas, when the hubs frowns, it gives me pause.

We are members of Kaiser, $15 copay. So much more affordable. However, for $15 you are likely to get prescription drug advice if you are unlucky. I find prescription drugs to just be "band aids". They don't actually treat the root symptoms and so many have side effects, that you really have to weigh the benefits against the side effects. Or, if you're lucky like me, we finally found a pediatrician at Kaiser that is not so keen to always prescribe drugs and so recently when I brought the babes in for a chronic cough and runny nose, she just said, "Yes, it seems she has a cold. Not allergies, but she seems fine. She can just ride it out. Nothing to worry about." And then we left.

But after a couple more nights of coughing, I just HAD to take her to see the holistic doctor. Surely, even if she is riding out the cold, we can lessen her symptoms and make her more comfortable without the use of drugs.  I finally just decided WHAT THE HECK! At what price for health?? I took her to our naturopath and I LOOOVED her, the practice, the suggestions. I'm totally finally on the train.

Just met with my local Doterra rep and ordered the family starter kit. Would you believe, you can just use a couple drops of Lemon Oil in water as a disinfectant/antibacterial? She dropped one drop of lemon oil on styrofoam and it disintegrated it!

Peppermint Oil applied to the soles of the feet can lessen a fever. I'm not sure if it actually worked for the baby yesterday, but I did email my Acupuncturist friend and he suggested ginger tea (made with fresh ginger) with lemon and honey, plus heat (warm blanket, warm bed, warm shower) and that DID work. Maybe it was a combo of all three. But notice, no drugs - just items from your pantry or your refrigerator.

There is nothing I am more excited about than holistic health practices and preventative living. I was always hesitant to start with the essential oils because I didn't feel like I knew enough of about them. Then I read somewhere that one should never apply essential oils directly to the skin...seemed like a lot of work to put in carrier oils. But that is not the case, you can diffuse them, you can apply one drop to the palms, rub together and smell them..you can rub them onto the soles of your feet.

It's amazing. I can't wait to start this journey.

By the way, one treatment the naturopathic doctor did share was the Warming Socks Treatment - It works!!
I did the warming sock treatment for the next two night following the naturopathic doctor appointment and the babes slept through the night without any bouts of coughing. The third night, we decided not to do the sock treatment because it seemed the babes was getting a rash from the wool socks. But when she started to have fits of coughing in the middle of the night and neither water nor honey worked, I did the sock treatment and no more coughing for the rest of the night!

And once I get my kit, I'm looking forward to making this salve from Wellness Mama.

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