Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Eve & Adam Build a House

I feel so blessed for my child's teacher and for Waldorf Education. I am a BIG, BIG advocate of Waldorf Education because it just resonates with me. Every time I am in the classroom or just see how the children interact with one another, my heart is warmed because this is a living, breathing, thoughtful education that peels back the layers of our children's divine gift to the world. As opposed to regular education that just tries to fill a vessel called the brain. Our children come into this world with their own unique gifts. Just as each one of us has a gift within us. We just have to slow down, quiet the outside world and get to know our inner selves.

But I digress. This post is really about the beauty of Waldorf Education and how because the teacher is free to create the details of the curriculum, our particular teacher, who happens to be a master teacher (a teacher of teachers) wrote an entirely new play for our third grade class because he saw that our children needed it. He wrote a new play complete with songs and lyrics! It was a beautiful play and appropriately titled, "Eve and Adam Build a House". In this story, Eve and Adam have left paradise and have to find shelter in the new world. They ask God for help and in the form of angels, Eve and Adam are inspired. First to look at the mineral world and see what could suffice for a home. A cave. But then discover the cave is a bit too hard to sleep on. They then are visited by angels who speak of the plant kingdom. How can they build a dwelling using plants? It's a nice shelter but does not shield the rain. Next is the animal kingdom. The animals live in trees and foxholes. Good for the animals but not so great for humans. Alas, the angels remind Eve and Adam that they are humans and they need to look no further than within themselves to figure out the right kind of shelter to make for themselves. It is Eve who discovers, using her brain that when man lies flat on the ground with his arms and legs outstretched, that is the foundation of the house. The line connecting the two feet, the foundation, the lines from feet to hands, the walls and the lines from the hands to the head, the roof.

It was a beautiful play with even more beautiful music. We are so blessed.

In our last parent meeting, the teacher did share that he is educating our children in a different way because he sees they need it. This particular class (and it could be classes coming up behind this class as well) seem to be maturing sooner. And if you look at children today, yes, they are maturing sooner than children of years past. So they need to be met where they are developmentally and that is exactly what Waldorf Education does and is. It is continually evolving just as we humans do.

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