Wednesday, September 5, 2018

A motto for my 9-year old

My 9-year-old is getting on my last nerve. She is very privileged and lives a pretty good life. And while I'd hoped that these "privileges" would result in gratitude, it hasn't. I mean, of course, why would it if she hasn't learned what gratitude is? I guess when you're not around poverty or scarcity, how would you compare to learn about gratitude?

Here is my motto to her which I just introduced yesterday: "More gratitude, less attitude."

I think it's very applicable to her current state of being. She throws attitude ALL. DAY. LONG. She doesn't like homework, she doesn't like eating vegetables, she doesn't like being reminded to do things even though she can't seem to remember to do the things I ask her to do. She didn't want to go to school. She doesn't like that her father has to work all the time and go out of town...

I swear, these last couple of day, I just wanted to throttle her.

We had dinner out last night with a friend. There was this delicious shave ice concoction available for dessert. Dad said, "What do you think mom? Can we stay out a little bit later and can D have that for dessert?" Well, I know D loves shave ice and dessert so I said, "Yes, but she needs to appreciate it." She replied, "okay, I'll give you 20 D dollars for it." I said, "No, it's not about money. It's about appreciating the fact that we are letting you stay out for dessert despite the fact that you did not get your homework done and that it's a school day tomorrow." And that's when it popped out - More Gratitude, D, more gratitude and less attitude,

I hope she got it. I have to say that if I am having such a hard time with her attitude now, I might be toast when she gets into her teens. But, I am REALLY hoping that with the work that I put in now that we will have less attitude when her teens roll around and definitely much more gratitude and wanting to pitch in...only time will tell. Thankless job this job as parent.

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