My friend was over the other day. She has a 12 year-old. She shared how her daughter has gotten her period...and there's a boy in her class that she likes and he likes her. And this summer, his mom asked for their address and the boy sent her daughter a note and a bracelet!
Wow, that boy is forward. First of all, I commented, that this boy is very forward and advanced for his age. What boy in sixth grade ever buys a girl a gift?? Aren't they sort of still in that discovery phase? At least that is what I recall back in 6th grade. There was that first initial attraction and then maybe progressing to "going out", but to buy a gift? Randomly? A boy, buys a bracelet for a girl? That's advanced.
I said to her, "Oh my gosh! He's going to kiss her! They will kiss this year for sure!" She replied, "Eww, noooo." Hahahah!
Funny...but not. That got me thinking about my own babes and the possibility of her growing up. I mean, I don't mean, the possibility because obvi she's going to grow up. But...but...I don't want her to! Waaaaah!! I like this age. I will like her until maybe she turns age 10. Then she's got to stop. I don't know how a mother deals with letting her child go, letting her grow. I can't even imagine it. I want to always be her protector and make her decisions for her and let her just make simple decisions. What will I do when she turns old enough to make her own decisions (which is really not that far off)?? How can I let her go? Oh that agony. Maybe I'll have to ask my mom what her thoughts were. Though something tells me she will say something like, "What? I don't know what you're talking about. I never gave it a thought. We just let whatever happen, happen." Not a big help. Dear child, please don't grow up.
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