Wednesday, July 25, 2018

She laughs at me

First of all, let me just state that it is unacceptable that I have waited so long to post. Tsk! Tsk!
I'll try to be more diligent.
My child, she laughs at me. I've only really lost it, in a sad way twice. Once when the babes was around 4 years old and I had just had it with all her complaining about the food she has to eat, "Ugggh, oatmeal AGAIN" Meanwhile, I can understand if I was feeding her oatmeal every day she would have a reason to complain. But, we don't.
I hardly ever serve the same food two days in a row unless it's eggs which is a great breakfast and we can have it daily except that I do like to change things up. Suffice it to say, the child never complains about having eggs because she looooves eggs. But serve her oatmeal on Monday and then try to do it again on Thursday and she will pull down a great big frown and exaggerate about having to eat oatmeal every day.
As a mother, in my mind I'm thinking, "hey, be appreciative that I even go through this effort to make a varied diet for you." But, I know. The children. They just want what they want. Health be damned. And it's true... truly, though I go through these efforts for the benefit of my child, I don't have to. No one asked me to.
I feel like children are pretty hearty and can adjust to poor diets, not that anything I serve can be construed as poor in any way, shape or form! And I have to realize that these efforts are efforts that I've chosen to make. No one has asked me to make them. So if I am finding that it is too hard or tedious then I can just as easily back off and no one would be the wiser. No one would care and they might even breathe a sigh of they don't have to eat "healthy" food anymore.
Because of that, my child laughs at me. Yup. She laughs when I have a break down. She laughed at me when  she was four and I just burst out in tears because she was complaining. I had had it and the tears just came out. And, she laughed.
Oh, I was really bummed and annoyed because in my mind I'm thinking, "Oh gawd, this girl has no compassion!" But really, she does just not for stupidity and her laughing probably just meant, "Get a grip. Stop being so serious." Mind you, I did not come to this conclusion until just the other day when I had my second breakdown.
The hubs ate half a salad that I made and to be honest, I'm really sick and tired of these two complaining about they always have to eat salads and vegetables. Uh, hello...we are vegetarians (and when I say that the babes always retorts with "PESCA! I am a PESCATARIAN!") Sure, she eats fish but that doesn't mean that she can just eat mac and cheese and fish every day. Sorry.
So, I got REAL mad the other day because in my mind, I thought, "He's not eating the salad because he never really likes to eat salad and then he's raiding the pantry for starches!!" GAAAHHHH!
These are the things that plague me people. All day long I worry about what they are eating. I want them to always embrace fresh vegetables and fruits and all they want is noodles and starches. Makes me want to cry. So, that day, I got really mad and was making all kinds of noise and what was the babes doing? She was chuckling.
It made me realize later on, in retrospect, that yes. Of course it's funny. Why do I take life and our diet so seriously? It's really not that big of a deal.
As much as my role as a parent is to "teach" my child or at least help her to realize her potential and help her connect with her highest self, she is also my teacher. When I take a moment to think, I see that she is my teacher too and I have gratitude that she is letting me know that I can take a chill pill and relax. We are all fine.

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