I have come across some really great recipes lately!! Alas, when I am cooking, I am not always so inclined to take photos either before, during or after. So, I have no photos to share, but all the blogs where I get my recipes from have beautiful photos, so why add my own? :o)
This is a great french bread recipe. I found it because I wanted to make bread and as is often the case, I haven't had the forethought to plan ahead so I really wanted to find a recipe that didn't need a lot of rise time. This one did it! Made this and it was so good.
This is a delicious pulled pork recipe that is also quite convenient and who doesn't love slow cooker recipes? Don't we all have these spices sitting around in our pantry? We do..and then some. Maybe too many different spices. I love 100 Days of Real Food.
Ooh, and an app that I just discovered - Green Kitchen app. I had to pay for it, but unlike some other apps that I paid for and never use, this one I know I will keep coming back to over and over. I made their Almond Apple muffins (gluten free and sugar free) and I just made their quinoa patties and I am OBSESSED.
Oh, and one more. Very easy coffee cake recipe right here...down in the comments, someone wrote in that they used yogurt instead of sour cream. I used sour cream once and yogurt once. I liked the yogurt better.
That pulled pork recipe was delish!