Sunday, November 9, 2014

Lou & Grey

Wow!  It's been a while since I've posted.  When it rains it pours and I've got several projects in the works, as well as, our school is putting together its upcoming annual Elves' Faire and there's a lot reliant on the parent body for this so every spare moment is spent crafting!

And, sometimes a girl needs a little retail therapy.  Or at least this girl needs it.  I went out looking for some sweaters as I'm sure Fall/Winter is keeps teasing and going right back to summer, but I have faith.

As I was walking back to my car without having found anything at the regular stores, I happened to cross a store that really caught my eye.  Firstly, I'd never heard of the name - Lou & Grey.  But the assortment really appealed to me.  Really just comfy, but stylish clothing.  And moderately priced.

Upon asking the salesperson the backstory of the brand, I'm told this brand was introduced into Ann Taylor Loft stores but just wasn't getting any attraction. They decided to build it out and make them their own freestanding stores.  It's very interesting.  If you were to check out their collection does not look good at all. I suggest they get a new stylist because these clothes do not look good at all.  Nothing that I would wear...however, at the store I found quite a few pieces that I found appealing.  If I were them, I would just give Lou & Grey a complete facelift and give it its own website that is merchandised as their stores are.  Oh wait, they did.  Right here.  Anyhow, still not sold via its online presence, but I promise you might be able to find a piece or two if you walked into their stores.  There's one in Pasadena.

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