Saturday, April 26, 2014

Traveling crafts

Melissa & Doug makes a great little travel craft for a 5-year old.  It's a sticker by number.

They include a sheet with the picture and corresponding number but in the interest of taking up time, I didn't bring that out.
D just did the sticker by number by matching the sticker to the corresponding shapes.

Then when her finished product was not aligned properly, I asked her to go back and redo all the crooked pieces (of which there were quite a few).  She had a mini melt down.  I think not because she is incredibly lazy and didn't want to go back and refine, but because she was sorely in need of a nap!  However, because she was whining and crying, her dad got all concerned and was hissing things like, "It's fine!  It doesn't have to be perfect"  To which I replied, "No, she can go back and fix it."

She's five years old.  She has the dexterity to place stickers on in a neat fashion.  I'm not expecting her to color within the lines, but the sticker thing, I think she can manage.

We moved away from the sticker project for a few but then when she was calmer, we went back to it and she was perfectly fine giving all the stickers a re-jigger and being perfectly precise.

The end result was a very satisfied child!  Sometimes, perseverance pays off.

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