Wednesday, December 25, 2013


image from of Camden Rose and Amazon

Here is my thought on Christmas. We have grandparents that love to shower the children with presents (of course!) But I feel like the spirit of Christmas is lost when there is a sea of presents to get through. Instead of a mood of reverence, it becomes a mood of gluttony. "What's next?? What more can I open??"

D received a ton of gifts this year yet the one she paused upon the longest was the nutcracker soldier that she specifically asked for from Santa. Of course she loved and played with the rest, but were they really necessary?

They were not necessary, but it sure brought a lot of joy to the grandparents...wish I could convince the grandparents to just settle on one or two presents for D just so we could bring the "consumerism" of Christmas down a notch. Maybe I could give it a few years to wean them slowly off the mass consumption bug.

One more note, as I watched my niece open her presents - she gushed over all her presents and then she came to mine - a wooden knitting nancy so perfect for a seven year old!  All Waldorf children earn to knit even before the alphabet.  It perfects fine motor skills, may improve memory, works both sides of the brain and prepares children to be better readers.  Not that my niece needs any help in the reading department. She has been an avid reader for years.

Anyhooo...the wooden knitting nancy seemed to have paled in excitement factor compared to the rest of the gifts.  However, I must say, once she got into the knitting nancy, she really enjoyed it. I hope it doesn't find its way to the bottom of her toy bin.


  1. just to be clear... 1 of her fav holiday gifts was the knitting nancy, but it's just a little more cumbersome to carry daily yet there was no shortage of excitement for receiving it comparatively... :)

  2. Wait, I didn't get Hope a knitting nancy! I got her a crochet set. Naomi got a knitting nancy. Hehehe!!
