Saturday, May 4, 2013

Jimmy Choooooos!

After much consideration and a lot of asking opinions of people who are shoe fanatics, I finally took a leap of faith and purchased a pair of Jimmy Choos.  Here's the backstory - I own a pair of Christian Louboutins, a present from my very wonderful friends (yeah, I do have great friends that gifted me a pair of CL's!! Love you guys...).  And they are sadly not my favorite pair.  I love them, they are black patent leather but they are. not. comfortable.

And, I got together with another friend a while back and we both were discussing how very unwearable our CL's are!!  Disappointing.
However, I have other friends who swear by their CL' comfortable, love them..etc.  I mean I guess each shoe is different.

In the meantime, I've been asking around to see what the reviews were on JC's since I don't own a pair and I really wanted a nice pair of shoes (coveted) for this wedding we just attended.  The reviews again were mixed though I think I've heard more people saying they love their JC's as opposed to the opposite.  I went back and forth, back and forth, tried on this pair of nude JC's (as seen above) and just decided, what the heck.  I DO love them and have been trying and trying to find the perfect pair of nude stilettos (sort of like my obsession with the perfect nude lipstick...MAC just came out with it, I think).

I wore this pair of (in my opinion, gorgeous pumps) this evening for about six hours straight and they ROCKED it!  These might be my favorite stilettos and maybe JC is my favorite shoe brand now.  Seeya later CL's.  I'm pretty sure I won't ever be purchasing another pair of CL's in my lifetime.

And lest you all think I am a shoe snob, my other absolute favorite pumps in my closet are from bebe. Yes! The clothing brand.  I have a pair of black leather pumps that look very similar to the above. I've had them for over 10 years and they are still hot...and comfortable.  If you go out and buy a pair of Jimmys because of this post, please share your review!!

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