Our little Waldorf school community is so small right now...nine families to be exact. And would you believe that despite being so small, we have a nut-free, a gluten-free and a couple dairy-free children! At first one might look at that and be exasperated since we are a co-op lunch bunch.
However, it really makes me think "Hmm, maybe we should all be eating less gluten, nuts..dairy?" Nah. Just maybe less gluten. I'm okay with that since I have several friends who aren't necessarily allergic to gluten but have reported feeling better in their body since giving up gluten electively.
Tomorrow I will be making Sesame Cookies
based off this recipe from Elana's Pantry (http://www.yummly.com/recipe/external/Sesame-cookies-345520) that I found on Yummly. Don't these look good?
I will not be giving up nuts or dairy though. Of course, I only drink raw milk. Have never liked that other processed crap they sell you in the supermarkets. Vitamin A&D is so overprocessed and so bad for you, if a child is lactose intolerant then he is luckier for it so his parents don't subject him to that gross regular milk out there. Skim milk? Even worse!
And, because I read Real Food by Nina Planck about four years ago, I am a big fan of all real food and will eat butter and cook with butter like it's going out of style. We now only cook with coconut oil or butter. I will expand to include ghee in that mix. Never cook with olive oil because it is not good at high heats. Check out this comment by Dr. Mercola - http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2003/09/27/olive-oil-health.aspx
It's not extensive on the olive oil problem but does give you the best option for coconut oil.
Actually, Dr. Mercola is an excellent source for natural health information - http://www.mercola.com/
Happy reading!
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