Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Today is Easter Sunday.  It's been a lazy sort of day what with D being sick and all...

We were supposed to go to a friend's house for an Easter egg hunt and all that good stuff; candy, cookies, cakes, but alas, we are just chillin' at home.  Which is just fine in my opinion since now my jaded old lady self really is not about the commercialization of all these holidays anyway.

Poor D, she's kind of missing out on all the "fun" marketed aspects of these Hallmark holidays as I don't buy into Valentine's Day at all.  I've long since decided that Christmas should be more about the togetherness of family than about all the presents one can acquire.  Yes, this past year my sister-in-law did call me a buzzkill.  But if you really step back and look at the big picture - what kind of message are we actually sending to our children when we overload them with junk they don't need.  And who is really benefitting here? Just those toy/game/clothing companies that don't give a hoot about how their product is produced or what the end result is.  It's tragic.

Buuut, as Easter was drawing near and I'm talking to one of my close mom friends who is also a Waldorf parent and we try not to clutter our spaces with junk, she does make a point about just at least getting into the spirit of the holiday without going overboard.  Guilt overcomes me because I don't want poor D to grow up as that girl who never got to experience anything and will eventually grow up to be the mom who super overindulges to compensate for what she lacked as a child.

So, I took myself to Cost Plus World Market and bought a beautiful papier mache egg (Made in Germany, no less!) and set out to fill it with just a few things that might be useful and appealing to D, plus some chocolate and candy, of course!  She would be disappointed otherwise.  While at Cost Plus, I asked a woman next to me, what are these eggs made of?  And she replied, "They are papier mache! Made in Germany!  We only had papier mache eggs in Germany when I was a kid and we would get them filled with goodies.  These are great because they last and you can use them year after year."

SOLD!  That made me feel a lot better.  Here's a picture of the lovely egg and a picture of it filled:

I filled it with two fun bath soaps, some scented bath salts, a tube of cake mix scented lip moisturizer, two gourmet chocolates, a handful of Trader Joe's jelly beans and some milk chocolate bunny ears.

I also made two needle-felted Easter Eggs for her to discover Easter morning!

I got the idea for these awesome felted Easter eggs from The Magic Onions blog.  I love that blog.
I took a look at her tutorial but didn't have access to my computer last night so came up with what I could.  Plus, I didn't have brown felt so mine doesn't look as good as hers, but hey, I'm a beginner here!

In any case, I'm really glad I did go through the extra effort to make Easter special for D.  When she woke up and discovered her papier mache egg at breakfast, she was so excited.  She even said, "See, we don't even have to go to M's house!"  Yeah, she was looking forward to Easter festivities all week. The girl lives for sugar and sweets.

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